Happenings over the past couple of days...

We put our painting skills to the test for several days being renovators for the oldest Methodist church in Scotland where John Wesley, himself, preached long ago. Lots and lots of paint! A fun project, indeed.

We explored a "Women in Mission" seminar during the festivities at Edinburgh 2010. The picture highlights a canvas of prayers from people all over the world with the Methodist church in the background.

We were provided "VIP" tickets to the closing ceremony service for Edinburgh 2010 Mission Conference that was held in the exact same venue at the Edinburgh 1910 Conference, 100 hundred years ago. There was an incredible African choir, music for all over the world, descendants of people from the 1910 conference that spoke, and a beautiful Indian dance depiction of two different scriptures. It was such a powerful authentic unifying picture of the world representing one mission: the love of God.

With a great local guide, Mike, our fellow painter, we went off the beaten path to discover some hidden wonders of Scotland. The is a shot of the Hales castle.

One of my favorite things are lighthouses. They are such beautiful structures and are beacons of light for the nautical world (I just love their purpose in life). In conversation with Mike about these navigational shelters of light, he knew one that was close by to stop in for a visit...it was a very sweet moment.

We had a great evening of worship and music on Sunday with "The Weatherfolk and Ice Cream" sharing in lyrical offerings and good community.

After a couple of days of enriching meetings with our Scottish minister friends and engaging Circuit events, our team shared dinner and dessert last night in the "Grass Market" part of town, my local favorite spot. This was by a landslide the best strawberry cheesecake I have ever had in my entire life, hands down delicious!

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