
I feel as though I am finally understanding the lay of the land in Edinburgh. The bus system and routes are becoming more clear, and I am starting to recognize places as we pass them on the street. It is amazing the process of how you adjust to a place. It takes time to map out a place in your mind while operating in it all at the same time. One of my favorite things here is that every day is fresh and refreshing. Although, my awareness and clarity of landmarks is finding fruition, it is still completely indefinite what new things we will experience and witness each day. In the States, we tend to be set in a routine based on the job we hold as each day starts to have it's patterns based on what we need there is to be accomplish. This then becomes a familiar structure from week-to-week. It is very different here with our roles. Since we are here to serve the Methodist church we are not tied to a job description and staying with in those parameters along the way. We can literally say, "How can we best help you today?" This is the truest form of a servant: to be completely available to aid another in any way that is needed and for as long as needed. I am so thankful God has placed myself and the rest of our team in this place for this time to be that servant to represent him and our love for our neighbors. Where ever God takes me, I am still learning to better love, and at present, it is the Scottish way.
Just a clip of youth interactions (esp. to share with Highway56):

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