Tea Time or Tee Time.
Walking to the office to meet rest of the main Circuit staff for their weekly staff meeting was the first order of business today. Their basic meeting style, discussions, and structuring of the church have similar veins to us in the States. There is a strong staff in place with great visions for the Methodist church, and I am very grateful to be able to work with each of them while here. The afternoon brought a visit to the town of Haddington for tea and biscuits to meet some of the local older church members there. I adored sharing stories back and forth with them along with hearing the rich church history from them and Andrew. They exuded such wisdom and understanding of how the church has progressed over so many generations helping us to better understand our roots. One of the things I am most eager about is the depth of diaries and history of the church here. This is where our very spiritual foundation and customs were conceived and developed over centuries before making their way over the pond to us. I know my mind will be a sponge with every historic moment I encounter in my days here. It is almost daily that we see new countryside almost always including a groomed golf course, it is absolutely gorgeous. Next stop was a great dinner at Andrew's home meeting another fellow Methodist commrade to share our meal with us. There have been so many charming conversations as we spend the week getting to know all the people here. My heart and cup are being filled in completely unexpected ways, God's divine light is indeed displayed here and shining on me. 'Til tomorrow...blessings and cheers.

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